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Old Periscope Radio resumed broadcasting after the energy shock in Ukraine

Old Periscope Radio resumed broadcasting

Dear listeners! We are happy to announce that after two months of forced radio silence, the Old Periscope Radio has resumed its broadcasting round-the-clock.

The obvious reason for the suspension of our music platform in June and July 2024, there were serious restrictions on electricity supply, which were imposed after a series of powerful missile attacks on Ukrainian energy facilities by the Russian occupation machine.

Over the summer, Ukrainian power services returned electricity to Ukrainian homes. We expect another difficult period of electricity restriction in the winter, when electricity consumption in Ukraine will increase significantly.

We’re not looking too far ahead, as Russian missiles are often aimed at Kyiv. Nevertheless, we decided to restore broadcasting. And we are broadcasting now.

Dear friends! We invite you to dive into the amazing ocean of old-school soft rock with the assistance of our skilled crew. This is the ocean featuring its own currents, depths and treasures recognized by the music world.

The Old Periscope Radio is not a business project. We still try not to bother our esteemed listeners with calls for donations.

Our station is not intended for commercial broadcasting in public places, but rather exclusively for private listening at home, in the office or while traveling.

Welcome aboard and let’s enjoy our melodies together!
Old Periscope Radio Crew

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